Pornography addiction is a devastating problem that is impacting many Christian marriages today. While the husband may be the one struggling with the addiction, the wife often bears the brunt of the pain and trauma. Discovering your Christian husband is addicted to pornography can feel like a betrayal, leaving you feeling hurt, angry, and unsure of how to move forward. However, there is hope. With God’s help, accountability, counseling, and a commitment to healing, many marriages have survived and even thrived after a pornography addiction. This article will provide guidance and encouragement for Christian wives dealing with this difficult situation.

Understand the Addiction

It’s important to understand that pornography addiction is a complex issue. Many men, even Christian men, struggle with it. A recent survey found that 21% of Christian men say they have thought they were “addicted” to porn or weren’t sure, compared to only 10% of non-Christian men. Pornography is highly addictive due to the way it triggers the brain’s reward system. Over time, the user needs more extreme or novel pornography to get the same “high”, leading to an escalating addiction. Shame, guilt, and a desire to numb emotional pain often drive the addiction as well. Realize that your husband’s addiction is not your fault. Many wives blame themselves, thinking if they were more attractive or a better wife, he wouldn’t have turned to porn. But the addiction is rooted in your husband’s own issues, not you.

Seek Support

Dealing with a spouse’s pornography addiction is traumatic. You need support to process your feelings of betrayal, anger, and grief. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor who can listen without judgment and provide encouragement. Consider joining a support group for wives of sex addicts. Knowing you’re not alone and learning from others who understand what you’re going through can be very healing. Most importantly, turn to God. Pour out your heart to Him in prayer, trusting that He sees your pain and will give you the strength to get through this. Cling to His promises of healing and restoration.

Set Boundaries

As your husband works to overcome his addiction, it’s crucial that you set clear boundaries to protect yourself emotionally and physically. This may mean separating for a time if he is unwilling to get help or continues to lie about his behavior. Insist that your husband get professional help from a counselor or therapist who specializes in sexual addiction. Couples counseling can also be beneficial once he has made progress in his recovery. Establish accountability measures like internet filters, blocking porn sites, and regular check-ins with an accountability partner. Your husband needs to demonstrate a commitment to change.

Forgive and Heal

Forgiveness is essential for healing, but it’s a process, not an event. Allow yourself to feel the full range of your emotions – anger, hurt, betrayal. Journaling can be a helpful outlet. When you’re ready, make the choice to forgive your husband. This doesn’t mean excusing his behavior or reconciling immediately. It means releasing him from the debt he owes you and trusting God to work in both your hearts. Healing takes time. Be patient with yourself and your husband. Seek counseling to work through the trauma and rebuild trust. Celebrate small victories and stay hopeful that God can redeem even this painful situation.

Rebuild Intimacy

One of the most devastating effects of pornography addiction is the damage it does to sexual and emotional intimacy in marriage. Your husband may have difficulty becoming aroused without porn or lose interest in sex with you. Rebuilding intimacy requires patience and open communication. Seek counseling to learn how to reconnect emotionally and physically in healthy ways. Prioritize date nights, affection, and quality time together. Remember that true intimacy goes beyond just sex. Emotional closeness, vulnerability, and shared experiences are just as important. Pray together, serve others, and make memories to strengthen your bond.


Discovering your Christian husband’s pornography addiction is devastating. But with God’s help and the right support, healing is possible. Set boundaries, seek counseling, and work together to rebuild trust and intimacy. Forgive your husband and yourself, and trust that God can redeem even this painful situation. You are not alone. Many Christian wives have walked this road before you. Reach out for support, cling to God’s promises, and keep moving forward one day at a time. Your marriage can survive and even thrive after porn. Stay hopeful.