As Christian parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to raise our children with a biblical worldview. This means teaching them to interpret every aspect of life through the lens of God’s truth revealed in Scripture. Developing a Christian worldview is crucial for children to navigate the challenges they will face in an increasingly secular culture. The good news is that there are many intentional ways we can instill a biblical worldview in our kids from an early age. Here are some key strategies:

Immerse Them in Scripture

The foundation for a Christian worldview is a deep familiarity with God’s Word. Make reading the Bible together a daily habit in your home. Discuss the meaning and application of the passages you read. Encourage your children to memorize key verses and passages. Surround them with scripture through Christian books, music, and decor. As they get older, teach them to study the Bible for themselves using age-appropriate Bible study tools and methods. Helping them discover biblical truth for themselves will give them ownership of their faith.

Teach Them Theology

Doctrine is essential for a solid biblical worldview. Don’t shy away from teaching your children deep theological truths about God, sin, salvation, and the Christian life. Use simple language to explain concepts like the Trinity, grace, mercy, and the gospel. Emphasize the life-changing power of the gospel message – that we are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness, which He freely offers through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Help them understand that it is God through the Holy Spirit who saves and transforms us.

Model a Christian Lifestyle

The most powerful way to teach your children a biblical worldview is by modeling it yourself. Let them see you reading your Bible, praying, and applying God’s truth to your own life. Demonstrate what it looks like to love God and love others. Admit when you fall short and ask for forgiveness. Involve your children in serving others and sharing the gospel as a family. Let them see you making decisions based on biblical principles. The way you live out your faith will have a greater impact than anything you say.

Discuss Current Events and Culture

As your children get older, engage them in conversations about what’s happening in the world around them. Analyze news stories, movies, music, and social media through the lens of Scripture. Help them identify lies, false teachings, and worldly wisdom that contradict God’s truth. Teach them to ask questions like “What does the Bible say about this?” and “How should a Christian respond?” Equip them to respectfully discuss and defend their faith. Encourage them to see their role in impacting culture for Christ.

Teach Them to Evaluate Ideas

Critical thinking is a key skill for developing a biblical worldview. Help your children learn to carefully examine ideas, beliefs, and philosophies to see if they align with Scripture. Teach them to look for the underlying assumptions and worldview behind what they’re being taught. Encourage them to ask questions, think for themselves, and not blindly accept what others say. Remind them that the Bible is the ultimate authority and standard of truth. Equip them to discern truth from error and stand firm in their faith.

Connect Faith to All of Life

A biblical worldview doesn’t just apply to spiritual matters. It should inform every area of life – relationships, education, career, entertainment, finances, and more. Help your children see the relevance of God’s truth to every aspect of their lives.Discuss how biblical principles apply to their friendships, schoolwork, chores, and hobbies. Encourage them to honor God in all they do. Remind them that their identity, purpose, and values come from being a child of God, not from the world’s standards.

Pray for Them

Ultimately, instilling a biblical worldview in your children is a work of the Holy Spirit. Pray fervently for God to draw your kids to Himself, open their eyes to His truth, and transform their hearts and minds. Ask Him to give you wisdom, patience, and perseverance in this high calling of parenting. Remember that developing a Christian worldview is a lifelong process. Keep pointing your children to God’s unchanging truth, even when they struggle or stray. Trust that the seeds you plant will bear fruit in His timing. Your faithfulness in teaching them to love and follow God will have an eternal impact. Raising children with a biblical worldview is one of the most important and rewarding responsibilities we have as Christian parents. By immersing them in Scripture, teaching them theology, modeling a Christian lifestyle, discussing culture, teaching critical thinking, connecting faith to all of life, and praying for them, we can equip them to navigate life with God’s truth as their foundation. May our children grow to be men and women who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Key


  • Immerse your children in Scripture through daily reading, discussion, memorization, and application
  • Teach them deep theological truths in age-appropriate ways
  • Model a Christian lifestyle and involve them in serving and sharing the gospel
  • Discuss current events and culture through a biblical lens
  • Teach critical thinking skills to evaluate ideas and stand firm in their faith
  • Connect biblical principles to every area of life
  • Pray fervently for God to work in your children’s hearts and minds