In today’s culture, children are bombarded with messages that challenge traditional biblical views on sexuality and gender from a very young age. Secular schools, media, and even some churches are promoting ideologies that are at odds with a Christian understanding of human sexuality. As Christian parents, it’s crucial that we proactively teach our children a biblical worldview on these issues and protect their sexual innocence. Here are some key steps to prevent sexual confusion in our kids:

Teach God’s Design for Sexuality Early and Often

The foundation for a healthy biblical view of sexuality starts with understanding that God created us male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). From a young age, teach your children that God made boys and girls different by design, and that these differences are good. Affirm to your sons that God made them to be strong, courageous leaders who love and protect others. Affirm to your daughters that God made them to be nurturing, life-givers who bring beauty to the world. Regularly remind them that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and that God has a special plan for their lives as boys and girls.

Protect Your Children’s Sexual Innocence

In our hyper-sexualized culture, children are exposed to inappropriate sexual content at younger and younger ages. Protect your children’s innocence by carefully monitoring what they watch, read, and are exposed to. Be aware of the sexual ideology being promoted in their schools and push back against it. Avoid sending your children to schools that promote transgender ideology or teach about sexual topics that are inappropriate for their age. Teach your children to be discerning consumers of media and to come to you if they ever encounter anything confusing or inappropriate.

Teach a Biblical View of Marriage and Family

God’s design for marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). Teach your children that marriage is a beautiful, God-ordained institution and that sex is a special gift to be saved for marriage. Explain that the purpose of marriage is to reflect Christ’s love for the church and to create a stable environment to raise children. Teach your children that God’s plan for the family involves a mother and a father, and that children thrive when raised by both a mom and a dad. Avoid sending the message that any family structure is equally valid.

Affirm Your Children’s God-Given Gender Identity 

In our culture, there is a lot of confusion around gender identity. Teach your children that their biological sex is a gift from God and that trying to change it is rejecting God’s design. If your child expresses confusion about their gender, respond with love and compassion. Seek to understand their feelings, but gently correct any false beliefs. Remind them that they are wonderfully made in God’s image as a boy or girl. Seek professional Christian counseling if needed to help your child embrace their God-given gender identity.

Teach Your Children to Respect Others

While we must stand firm on biblical truth, we should also treat those who disagree with kindness and respect. Teach your children to love and respect all people, even if they hold different beliefs. Explain that we can disagree with someone’s actions or beliefs without hating them as a person. Model how to engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold different views. Teach your children to stand up for their beliefs without being hateful or bullying others.

Pray for Your Children and Rely on God’s Strength

Ultimately, we cannot control every influence on our children. We must rely on God’s strength and wisdom to guide us. Pray regularly for your children, asking God to protect them from sexual confusion and temptation. Pray for wisdom in how to navigate these challenging issues. When you feel overwhelmed, remember that God’s grace is sufficient. He will give you the strength and discernment you need to raise your children in a way that honors Him.

Preventing sexual confusion in our children requires a proactive, biblical approach. We must start teaching God’s design for sexuality at a young age and consistently reinforce these truths. We must protect our children’s innocence and carefully monitor what they are exposed to. We must teach a biblical view of marriage and family, affirm our children’s God-given gender identity, and model respect for others. And through it all, we must rely on God’s strength and wisdom, trusting Him to guide us and our children. It’s a challenging task, but one that is vitally important for the next generation. May God give us the courage and wisdom to raise up children who honor Him with their sexuality.