For each item, indicate to what extent you agree with the statement on a scale of 1-5:

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Neutral

4 = Agree

5 = Strongly Agree

  1. I feel satisfied with my marriage overall.
  2. My spouse and I have a strong emotional connection.
  3. We communicate effectively about important issues.
  4. I trust my spouse completely.
  5. We share similar values and life goals.
  6. Our sexual relationship is fulfilling.
  7. We enjoy spending time together.
  8. My spouse supports my personal growth and goals.
  9. We are able to resolve conflicts constructively.
  10. I feel appreciated and valued by my spouse.
  11. We make important decisions together as a team.
  12. My spouse is faithful and committed to our marriage.
  13. We have fun and laugh together often.
  14. I can be my authentic self around my spouse.
  15. We have a strong friendship as the foundation of our marriage.
  16. My spouse understands me deeply.
  17. We share household and family responsibilities fairly.
  18. I feel emotionally safe and secure in our relationship.
  19. We have shared interests and activities we enjoy together.
  20. My spouse is affectionate and expresses love regularly.
  21. We are aligned on financial goals and spending habits.
  22. I feel my spouse is my true life partner.
  23. We support each other through difficult times.
  24. Our marriage has grown stronger over time.
  25. We make an effort to keep romance alive in our relationship.
  26. My spouse respects my thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
  27. We have similar views on raising children (if applicable).
  28. I feel satisfied with the level of intimacy in our marriage.
  29. We are able to forgive each other after arguments or mistakes.
  30. My spouse encourages me to pursue my passions and dreams.
  31. We have a strong spiritual or religious connection.
  32. I feel proud to be married to my spouse.
  33. We make time for date nights and quality time together.
  34. My spouse is patient and understanding with me.
  35. We have compatible personalities.
  36. I can rely on my spouse when I need support.
  37. We share similar senses of humor.
  38. My spouse makes me feel loved and cherished.
  39. We are committed to working through challenges together.
  40. I feel satisfied with how we handle finances as a couple.
  41. My spouse brings out the best in me.
  42. We have a strong physical attraction to each other.
  43. I feel my spouse is my best friend.
  44. We make an effort to grow together as a couple.
  45. My spouse respects my need for independence and personal time.
  46. We have similar views on work-life balance.
  47. I feel emotionally supported by my spouse.
  48. We share household chores and responsibilities equitably.
  49. My spouse is a good listener.
  50. We have compatible approaches to health and wellness.
  51. I feel my marriage is a true partnership.
  52. We make an effort to surprise and delight each other.
  53. My spouse accepts me for who I am.
  54. We have similar social preferences and friend groups.
  55. I feel satisfied with how we handle extended family relationships.
  56. My spouse is honest and transparent with me.
  57. We have compatible views on saving and spending money.
  58. I feel my spouse brings joy and positivity to my life.
  59. We make time for physical intimacy and affection.
  60. My spouse supports my career goals and aspirations.
  61. We have similar attitudes towards having and raising children.
  62. I feel emotionally connected to my spouse.
  63. We have compatible sleep schedules and bedroom habits.
  64. My spouse is willing to compromise and find win-win solutions.
  65. We share similar political and social views.
  66. I feel my spouse is committed to personal growth.
  67. We make an effort to express gratitude to each other regularly.
  68. My spouse respects my personal boundaries.
  69. We have similar attitudes towards health and fitness.
  70. I feel my marriage is built on mutual respect.
  71. We make time for open and honest communication.
  72. My spouse is supportive during times of stress or difficulty.
  73. We have compatible approaches to dealing with conflict.
  74. I feel satisfied with our level of emotional intimacy.
  75. My spouse is willing to admit mistakes and apologize.
  76. We have similar views on retirement and long-term planning.
  77. I feel my spouse brings stability to my life.
  78. We make an effort to create shared experiences and memories.
  79. My spouse encourages my relationships with friends and family.
  80. We have compatible views on spirituality or religion.
  81. I feel my marriage is a source of strength and support.
  82. We make time for physical affection like hugs and kisses.
  83. My spouse is willing to seek help or counseling if needed.
  84. We have similar attitudes towards taking risks and trying new things.
  85. I feel satisfied with how we handle disagreements.
  86. My spouse is supportive of my hobbies and interests.
  87. We have compatible views on travel and vacations.
  88. I feel my spouse is invested in my happiness and wellbeing.
  89. We make an effort to celebrate each other’s achievements.
  90. My spouse respects my privacy and personal space.
  91. We have similar attitudes towards pets and animals.
  92. I feel my marriage enhances my overall life satisfaction.
  93. We make time for deep, meaningful conversations.
  94. My spouse is willing to grow and change with me over time.
  95. We have compatible views on community involvement and volunteering.
  96. I feel emotionally fulfilled in my marriage.
  97. My spouse is supportive of my friendships outside our marriage.
  98. We have similar attitudes towards technology use and social media.
  99. I feel my spouse is committed to our marriage for the long-term.
  100. We make an effort to continually improve our relationship.


Calculate the average score across all 100 items.

4.5 – 5.0: Very high marital happiness

4.0 – 4.4: High marital happiness

3.5 – 3.9: Moderate marital happiness

3.0 – 3.4: Low marital happiness

Below 3.0: Very low marital happiness

This comprehensive assessment covers key areas that contribute to marital happiness based on research, including communication, trust, intimacy, shared values, conflict resolution, emotional connection, and more. The test aims to provide a holistic view of marital satisfaction across multiple dimensions.