Instructions: Answer each question honestly about yourself and your marriage. For each item, select the response that best reflects your situation using the following scale:

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral/Unsure

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

Relationship Satisfaction

  1. I feel emotionally disconnected from my spouse.
  2. My spouse and I rarely spend quality time together.
  3. I am dissatisfied with my sex life in my marriage.
  4. There is a lack of romance in my marriage.
  5. I don’t feel appreciated by my spouse.


  1. My job involves frequent travel or time away from my spouse.
  2. I have close opposite-sex friendships outside my marriage.
  3. I spend significant time socializing without my spouse.
  4. I keep some of my social interactions secret from my spouse.
  5. I have easy access to potential affair partners.


  1. I believe infidelity is acceptable under some circumstances.
  2. I could imagine myself being unfaithful to my spouse.
  3. I don’t view infidelity as a serious betrayal.
  4. I believe I could get away with having an affair.
  5. I feel my moral/religious beliefs would not prevent me from cheating.

Attachment Style

  1. I worry that my spouse doesn’t really love me.
  2. I need a lot of reassurance that I am loved by my spouse.
  3. I tend to feel insecure in close relationships.
  4. I often feel jealous or possessive.
  5. I prefer to avoid deep emotional intimacy with my spouse.


  1. I have doubts about my commitment to my marriage.
  2. I often fantasize about being single or with other partners.
  3. I don’t feel a strong sense of loyalty to my spouse.
  4. I keep my options open in case someone better comes along.
  5. I’m not fully invested in making my marriage last long-term.


  1. I don’t discourage flirtatious interactions with the opposite sex.
  2. I share personal/intimate details about my marriage with others.
  3. I fail to maintain appropriate boundaries with potential affair partners.
  4. I put myself in tempting situations with the opposite sex.
  5. I don’t actively avoid developing crushes or attractions outside my marriage.

Conflict Management

  1. My spouse and I have frequent heated arguments.
  2. I avoid discussing problems in my marriage.
  3. I don’t feel heard or understood when I share my feelings with my spouse.
  4. My spouse and I lack constructive conflict resolution skills.
  5. I often feel angry or resentful toward my spouse after an argument.


  1. I tend to act on my feelings without thinking through consequences.
  2. I engage in thrill-seeking or risk-taking behaviors.
  3. I struggle to control my impulses and desires.
  4. I make hasty decisions in the “heat of the moment.”
  5. I have a hard time delaying gratification.

Attention Seeking

  1. I thrive on receiving admiration and validation from the opposite sex.
  2. I feel a strong need for excitement and novelty in my life.
  3. I enjoy the ego boost I get from flirting or seductive interactions.
  4. I crave the feeling of being passionately desired.
  5. I like getting attention from potential romantic interests.


  1. I have cheated in a past relationship.
  2. I have lied to my spouse about interactions with the opposite sex.
  3. I keep secrets from my spouse.
  4. I have crossed marital boundaries without telling my spouse.
  5. I struggle to be fully honest in my marriage.

Scoring and Interpretation: Add up your responses to get a total score between 50-250. Higher scores suggest greater risk factors for potential infidelity.

Scores in the 50-125 range indicate lower risk, 126-175 moderate risk, and 176-250 high risk. However, this questionnaire is not definitive and many complex factors contribute to infidelity. If concerned about your marriage, consider seeking counseling with your spouse to build relationship skills and safeguards. Open, honest communication is key to marital fidelity and satisfaction.