Ten Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

4 years ago

Boundaries are one of the most powerful tools you have in relationships. They make you feel like you matter and…

How To Resolve Marital Conflict

4 years ago

The couple that never has conflict does not exist. It is inevitable for a number of reasons: men and women…

Using Emotional Word Pictures to Increase Intimacy and Understanding in Marriage

4 years ago

An emotional "word picture" is a communication skill that brings to life the thoughts we want to share. It uses…

Commitment: The Glue that Holds a Marriage Together

4 years ago

Key Thought: Oneness develops through the consistent practice of marital love by both spouses. Introduction Sometimes we just don’t feel…

Hindrances to Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

4 years ago

Key Thought: Problems with sexual intimacy will hinder a couple from becoming one. A failure to communicate. Communication requires a…

Why Divorce Hurts Children

4 years ago

Prominent child psychologist, Dr. Lee Salk, once remarked, “The trauma of divorce is second only to death. Children sense a…

Your Husband’s Greatest Need

4 years ago

Fill in the blank: “Behind every successful man is _________.” If you answered a pushy mother- in- law or a…

Why Hurt People Hurt People

4 years ago

An old adage says, “Hurt people, hurt people.” It is well known that those who have been emotionally damaged tend…

The Ten Habits of Healthy Families

4 years ago

The term “dysfunctional family” has become an overused, pop psychology, cliché that makes it difficult to understand what a functional…

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?

4 years ago

How would you describe your current marriage relationship? Are things good or maybe a little shaky? Do you see any…