Stop Reacting, Start Responding

4 years ago

When you’re having a disagreement with your spouse, you have two choices: You can respond or react. Reacting is a…

The Problems of Cohabitation: What You Need to Know About Living Together Before Marriage

4 years ago

It has been called by a variety of terms, such as "living together", "shacking up", "cohabitation,” "serial monogamy,” and "living…

The Seven Most Prevalent Causes of Faulty Mate Selection

4 years ago

Marital success or failure can now be predicted before the wedding day with 81 percent accuracy. The following is a seven-point…

Throwing in the Towel

4 years ago

It’s getting harder by the day distinguishing Christians for non-Christians. This is particularly true in the area of divorce. Statistically, our…

How To Be A Good Dad

4 years ago

Laying a good foundation during a child’s formative years is critically important in determining who and what they will become as…

Protecting Your Marriage From Adultery

4 years ago

  Beware of thinking, "Adultery would never happen in my marriage." Sadly, many who believed they were invincible are the…

The Overscheduled Child and the Disconnected Family

4 years ago

American families are in a state of constant motion. Kids seem to always have someplace they are supposed to be.…

The Ten Commandments of Marriage

4 years ago

  Respect the image of God in the other person. Gary Smalley, one of the country's best-known authors and speakers…

Why Women Handle Stress Differently Than Men

4 years ago

“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since…

Consistency: The Golden Rule of Effective Parenting

4 years ago

Consistency is the Golden Rule of effective parenting. It is the most important decision you will make when it comes…