North Alabama Christian Counseling
Practical Biblical Solutions
Why Your Spouse Cheated on You
Infidelity is a painful and complex issue that affects many marriages, leaving both partners with deep emotional wounds. From a Christian perspective, understanding why a spouse might cheat involves exploring the underlying causes and the biblical principles that guide us in navigating such situations. This article aims to provide insight [...]
Why Husbands Stop Asking for Sex
In many marriages, a decrease in sexual desire or initiation can be a challenging issue to address. It's not uncommon for husbands to stop asking for sex due to various reasons, ranging from personal struggles to relationship dynamics. From a Christian standpoint, understanding these reasons and approaching them with grace [...]
Why Polyamorous Relationships Struggle to Thrive
Polyamory—the practice of engaging in multiple romantic relationships simultaneously with consent—has gained visibility in recent years. As a Christian counselor with decades of experience guiding individuals and families through relational challenges, I’ve witnessed firsthand the emotional and spiritual complexities that arise when people step outside the biblical framework for intimacy. [...]
Too Tired or Not in the Mood for Intimacy?
Intimacy is a vital component of healthy relationships, but many couples struggle with feeling too tired or not in the mood for physical and emotional closeness. This common issue can stem from various factors, including stress, fatigue, health problems, and relationship dynamics. Understanding the root causes and implementing effective strategies [...]
Is His Porn Addiction My Fault?
So, you've just found out your partner has a porn addiction. Ouch. That's gotta hurt. You're probably feeling a whole mix of emotions right now - betrayed, angry, confused, and maybe even wondering if it's somehow your fault. Let's take a deep breath and dive into this tricky topic together. [...]
Women Need Emotional Connection to Feel Sexual Desire
Let's talk about something that's been on a lot of people's minds lately: the connection between emotional intimacy and sexual desire in women. It's a topic that's been getting a lot of attention in the world of psychology and human sexuality, and for good reason. While everyone's experiences are different, [...]