
North Alabama Christian Counseling

Practical Biblical Solutions

Ten Ground Rules for Effective Marriage Counseling

August 12th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Expect emotional discomfort. Resentment and negative feelings may have accumulated over time because your problems have not been dealt with properly. It’s time to address the issues despite the discomfort. Avoid the blame game. Pointing fingers at your spouse always leads to defensiveness and a breakdown in communication. Take responsibility [...]

Reestablishing Trust in Your Relationship

August 6th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Trust within a marriage is the most fundamental ingredient necessary for two people to live together with assurance and commitment. Just as trust is the foundation of your relationship with God, you must also have trust for the person that you are committed to in your earthly life. When trust [...]

Who’s Fault is it? Playing the Blame Game

March 28th, 2022|Tags: |

When you are in an unhappy relationship, you have three choices. Maintain status quo End the relationship Make it better That’s it—number three. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) most unhappy people choose Option 1.  It feels strange to think most of us would choose – or at least accept [...]

When Your Husband Won’t Go to Marriage Counseling

January 6th, 2022|Tags: |

You are not alone; this is a common problem that marriage counselors often hear. Wives report a variety of reasons why their husbands will not come to marriage counseling: He has already “checked-out” of the relationship emotionally. He does not “believe” in counseling; it’s a sham that won’t work. He [...]

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