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So far Bill has created 265 blog entries.

The Need for Accountability in Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God. It is a lifelong commitment that requires love, respect, trust, and accountability from both spouses. In a Christian marriage, accountability plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy, God-honoring relationship. It helps couples stay true to their vows, resist temptation, and grow together [...]

The Need for Accountability in Marriage2024-06-17T17:10:22+00:00

Addressing the Dangers of Social Media with Your Child


As Christian parents, we have a God-given responsibility to guide and protect our children, including in their use of social media. While these online platforms offer some benefits, they also pose significant risks to our children's spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. As parents, we must be proactive and vigilant in monitoring our kids' social media [...]

Addressing the Dangers of Social Media with Your Child2024-06-17T21:12:30+00:00

How to Deal with a Rebellious Child


As Christian parents, it can be heartbreaking and deeply concerning when our children rebel against the faith and values we have tried to instill in them. Dealing with a rebellious child is one of the greatest challenges we may face. However, God's Word provides guidance and hope for navigating this difficult season. Here are some [...]

How to Deal with a Rebellious Child2024-06-17T16:55:05+00:00

Developing Your Child’s Character and Faith


As Christian parents, one of our most important callings is to raise our children to know, love and follow God. In today's increasingly secular culture that often promotes values contrary to our faith, this responsibility can feel daunting at times. However, by relying on biblical wisdom and intentionally shaping a Christian worldview in our homes, [...]

Developing Your Child’s Character and Faith2024-06-17T21:08:30+00:00

How Does a Christian Couple Tear Down Walls of Bitterness?


Bitterness can be a pervasive and destructive force in any relationship, but it is particularly damaging in a marriage. For Christian couples, addressing and overcoming bitterness is not only a relational necessity but also a spiritual mandate. This article explores how Christian couples can tear down walls of bitterness by applying biblical principles, seeking God's [...]

How Does a Christian Couple Tear Down Walls of Bitterness?2024-06-17T16:24:00+00:00

Key Goals for Exceptional Relationships


According to relationship experts David Bradford and Carole Robin, who taught the legendary "Interpersonal Dynamics" course at Stanford, exceptional relationships are characterized by authenticity, vulnerability, honest communication, and a commitment to each other's growth. Building and maintaining exceptional relationships requires intentional effort to deepen the connection over time. Be your authentic self and allow others [...]

Key Goals for Exceptional Relationships2024-06-16T00:09:49+00:00

Celebrating Milestones in Your Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant instituted by God, joining a man and woman together in a lifelong union. As Christians, we believe that marriage reflects Christ's love for the church and that God uses marriage to sanctify us and draw us closer to Him. While the wedding day marks the joyous beginning of this journey, the true beauty [...]

Celebrating Milestones in Your Marriage2024-06-15T20:58:44+00:00

How To Really Date Your Wife


Dating within marriage is an essential practice for maintaining a healthy, vibrant, and God-honoring relationship. For Christian husbands, dating their wives is not just about spending time together but also about nurturing the marital bond, fostering spiritual growth, and demonstrating Christ-like love. Here are some principles and practical tips to help Christian husbands date their [...]

How To Really Date Your Wife2024-06-15T20:51:04+00:00

How Should a Christian Spouse Handle Emotional Abuse?


Emotional abuse in marriage is a deeply troubling issue that can have severe and long-lasting effects on the victim's mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For a Christian wife, navigating this painful reality can be particularly challenging due to the added layers of faith, biblical teachings, and the expectations of the Christian community. This article aims [...]

How Should a Christian Spouse Handle Emotional Abuse?2024-06-15T20:43:59+00:00

Unresolved Trauma from the Past: Navigating Its Impact on Your Marriage


As Christians, we often enter marriage with the hope and expectation that our union will be filled with love, joy, and spiritual connection. However, for many individuals, unresolved trauma from their past can cast a shadow over their marital relationship, creating challenges and obstacles that may seem insurmountable. If you find yourself in this situation, [...]

Unresolved Trauma from the Past: Navigating Its Impact on Your Marriage2024-06-15T20:37:57+00:00
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