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So far Bill has created 249 blog entries.

The Importance of Commitment and Perseverance in Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, designed by God to be a lifelong, exclusive relationship. Today, where divorce rates remain high even among Christians, it is crucial for couples to understand the importance of commitment and perseverance in their marriage. As believers, we are called to model God's love and [...]

The Importance of Commitment and Perseverance in Marriage2024-07-02T19:09:05+00:00

When Your Husband Won’t Lead Spiritually


It's a common problem in many Christian marriages today - the husband is not providing spiritual leadership in the family. Many men have become passive when it comes to the spiritual direction of their household. They may want to lead spiritually, but just don't know how. As a wife, it can be very frustrating and [...]

When Your Husband Won’t Lead Spiritually2024-06-15T16:05:16+00:00

Preventing Sexual Confusion in Our Children


In today's culture, children are bombarded with messages that challenge traditional biblical views on sexuality and gender from a very young age. Secular schools, media, and even some churches are promoting ideologies that are at odds with a Christian understanding of human sexuality. As Christian parents, it's crucial that we proactively teach our children a [...]

Preventing Sexual Confusion in Our Children2024-06-15T15:59:22+00:00

Navigating the Risks of Social Media as Christian Parents


Social media has become an inescapable part of modern life, especially for children and teenagers. While it offers some benefits like staying connected with friends and exploring interests, there are also significant risks that Christian parents need to be aware of and proactively address with their kids. The U.S. Surgeon General recently issued an advisory [...]

Navigating the Risks of Social Media as Christian Parents2024-06-15T15:54:02+00:00

How to Raise Kids that Will Keep the Faith


It's every Christian parent's worst fear - watching their child walk away from the faith they were raised in. Studies show that a shocking 70% of kids raised in Christian homes will leave the church after high school. With the odds stacked against us, how can we raise children who keep the faith as adults? While [...]

How to Raise Kids that Will Keep the Faith2024-06-15T15:45:41+00:00

Instilling a Biblical Worldview in Your Children


As Christian parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to raise our children with a biblical worldview. This means teaching them to interpret every aspect of life through the lens of God's truth revealed in Scripture. Developing a Christian worldview is crucial for children to navigate the challenges they will face in an increasingly [...]

Instilling a Biblical Worldview in Your Children2024-06-15T15:38:29+00:00

Overcoming Defensiveness in Your Marriage


Defensiveness is one of the biggest barriers to effective communication and conflict resolution in marriage. When your spouse expresses a need or complaint, it's natural to feel attacked and want to defend yourself. However, responding defensively only escalates the situation and prevents you from truly understanding your partner's perspective. In the example at the beginning, [...]

Overcoming Defensiveness in Your Marriage2024-06-15T15:32:05+00:00

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Family?


Having a Christ-centered family is a beautiful and rewarding experience that brings a sense of unity, love, and purpose to every aspect of family life. By centering their lives around Jesus, families can cultivate a strong foundation of faith, compassion, and understanding that binds them together through life's challenges and triumphs. At the heart of [...]

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Family?2024-06-15T15:23:20+00:00

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Marriage?


Marriage is a sacred covenant instituted by God to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church. A Christ-centered marriage puts God at the center and allows Him to guide the relationship. When a couple makes Christ the foundation of their marriage, it provides the solid ground needed to withstand life's storms and grow together [...]

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Marriage?2024-06-15T15:18:53+00:00

Rebuilding Trust in a Christian Marriage


Trust is the foundation of any healthy marriage. When trust is broken, it can be devastating for a couple. However, with God's help and a commitment to the relationship, it is possible to rebuild trust and restore the marriage. As Christian counselor Leslie Vernick states, "If your marriage is to be reconciled, you need more [...]

Rebuilding Trust in a Christian Marriage2024-06-14T22:40:57+00:00
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