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So far Bill has created 249 blog entries.

The Importance of Affection in a Christian Marriage


Affection is a vital ingredient in any marriage, symbolizing security, protection, comfort and approval. When spouses express affection, they communicate deep love, care and commitment to one another. Affection nourishes and strengthens a marriage, just as food and water keep the body healthy. Even after many years together, regular affection is essential for married couples to feel cherished [...]

The Importance of Affection in a Christian Marriage2024-06-14T22:35:36+00:00

Physical Intimacy in Christian Marriages


Physical intimacy is a beautiful and important part of the marriage relationship that God designed. However, many Christian couples face challenges and struggles in this area. Whether it's due to past baggage, unrealistic expectations, selfishness, lack of communication, or medical issues, physical intimacy problems are very common. The good news is that with God's help [...]

Physical Intimacy in Christian Marriages2024-06-18T17:42:53+00:00

Supporting Your Spouse Through Anxiety and Depression


It can be heartbreaking and overwhelming when your Christian spouse battles anxiety and depression. You want to help them, but it's not always clear what to do. As a Christian couple, you may also wonder how anxiety and depression fit into your faith. The good news is that you can support your spouse with compassion [...]

Supporting Your Spouse Through Anxiety and Depression2024-06-14T22:25:17+00:00

The Importance of a Christian Couple Setting Goals


As a Christian couple, setting goals together is a vital practice that can strengthen your marriage and help you grow closer to each other and to God. By prayerfully considering where you want your relationship to go and making plans to get there, you are taking an active role in shaping the future of your [...]

The Importance of a Christian Couple Setting Goals2024-06-14T22:17:17+00:00

The Importance of Compromise in a Christian Marriage


Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, but it's also hard work. Two imperfect people come together and commit to love each other for a lifetime. Inevitably, conflicts and disagreements will arise. This is where compromise becomes essential for a healthy, thriving marriage. Compromise is not about splitting the difference or taking turns getting your [...]

The Importance of Compromise in a Christian Marriage2024-06-14T22:12:09+00:00

The Power of Gratitude in a Christian Marriage


Gratitude is a powerful force that can transform and strengthen a marriage, especially when viewed through the lens of Christian faith. As the Bible teaches, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Expressing gratitude to God and to one's spouse is not [...]

The Power of Gratitude in a Christian Marriage2024-06-14T22:06:46+00:00

Exceptional Marriages Require Teamwork


A Christian marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and woman before God. It is not just a contract, but a lifelong commitment to love, honor, and cherish one another. For a Christian marriage to thrive, it requires teamwork between the husband and wife. Teamwork is essential for navigating the joys and challenges of [...]

Exceptional Marriages Require Teamwork2024-06-14T22:02:18+00:00

Showing Love and Respect in Your Christian Marriage


As a Christian, showing love and respect to your spouse is not just a nice idea, it's a biblical command. The apostle Paul instructs husbands to love their wives sacrificially, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. And wives are commanded to respect their husbands. Love and respect are the foundation [...]

Showing Love and Respect in Your Christian Marriage2024-06-14T21:52:23+00:00

The Importance of Quality Time for Christian Couples


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for married couples to get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect spending quality time together. Work, kids, chores, and other obligations can quickly fill up our schedules, leaving little room for the couple to nurture their relationship. However, as Christians, we must prioritize our marriage and [...]

The Importance of Quality Time for Christian Couples2024-06-14T21:46:49+00:00

Developing Emotional Intelligence Through a Biblical Lens


Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and reason with emotions. It involves being aware of your own feelings and those of others and using that awareness to guide your thinking and actions. Developing strong emotional intelligence is just as important for Christians as it is for anyone else.The Bible has a [...]

Developing Emotional Intelligence Through a Biblical Lens2024-06-14T21:40:33+00:00
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