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So far Bill has created 249 blog entries.

Who’s Fault is it? Playing the Blame Game


When you are in an unhappy relationship, you have three choices. Maintain status quo End the relationship Make it better That’s it—number three. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) most unhappy people choose Option 1.  It feels strange to think most of us would choose – or at least accept – unhappiness as our relationship [...]

Who’s Fault is it? Playing the Blame Game2023-08-08T21:43:04+00:00

When Your Husband Won’t Go to Marriage Counseling


You are not alone; this is a common problem that marriage counselors often hear. Wives report a variety of reasons why their husbands will not come to marriage counseling: He has already “checked-out” of the relationship emotionally. He does not “believe” in counseling; it’s a sham that won’t work. He doesn’t think he has a [...]

When Your Husband Won’t Go to Marriage Counseling2023-08-07T16:37:43+00:00

Get Rid of Your Emotional Baggage


What is emotional baggage? In simple terms, it is unresolved emotional issues from the past. For some, emotional baggage goes back to childhood. For others, it may be of a more recent origin. The primary characteristic of most emotional baggage is that it involves some type of abuse and/or trauma. Because these painful experience(s) have [...]

Get Rid of Your Emotional Baggage2023-07-28T19:14:30+00:00

Change Starts with You


It’s easy to blame the other person for your unhappiness. You may think, “They’re the problem; they need to change!” When you externalize your frustration by blaming or criticizing them for your discontent, you are attempting to change them. “If you would only _________, I wouldn’t be so mad.” Unfortunately, all you really accomplish is [...]

Change Starts with You2023-07-27T17:49:43+00:00

The Type A Survival Guide


Type A personalities are known for their ambition, perfectionism, competitiveness, and go-getter attitudes. Yet, research shows they can often struggle with stress and anxiety, aggressive communication, and relationship troubles. Use these 7 actionable tips to optimize your Type A personality so you can be unstoppable at work while maintaining balance in your personal life. What [...]

The Type A Survival Guide2023-07-27T17:51:24+00:00

Unpacking Your Emotional Baggage


Admit you have baggage! We all have emotional baggage that needs to be unpacked. No one gets through life without being wounded or wounding others. If you are going to unpack your emotional baggage, you first need to be honest with yourself. Start the healing process by answering some basic questions: Who is it that [...]

Unpacking Your Emotional Baggage2023-06-13T21:18:20+00:00

Strategies for Managing High Anxiety


Get physically active. One of the most important things one can do to cope with anxiety is to get regular cardiovascular exercise. For instance, a brisk 30- to 60-minute walk releases endorphins that lead to a reduction in anxiety. There is a clear link between anxiety and exercise. Those that do not exercise or stay [...]

Strategies for Managing High Anxiety2023-07-27T17:52:28+00:00

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?


How would you describe your current marriage relationship? Are things good or maybe a little shaky? Do you see any danger signs that trouble you? If you’re not sure, why not take the time to review some of the danger signs? Scripture tells us "a prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple [...]

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?2023-06-07T20:23:25+00:00

Surviving Betrayal Trauma


What is Betrayal Trauma? Betrayal trauma is the result of the violation of a deep attachment, where there has been abuse or neglect of an individual who depends on that attachment for their safety and well-being. Betrayal Trauma occurs most commonly from partner betrayal- a partner has an affair or lies to you about something significant [...]

Surviving Betrayal Trauma2023-05-14T17:36:45+00:00

You Can’t Change Others


It’s easy to blame the other person for your unhappiness. You may think, “They’re the problem; they need to change!” When you externalize your frustration by blaming or criticizing them for your discontent, you are attempting to change them. “If you would only _________, I wouldn’t be so mad.” Unfortunately, all you really accomplish is [...]

You Can’t Change Others2023-06-07T20:24:56+00:00
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