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So far Bill has created 265 blog entries.

Peacemaking in Marriage: Are You A Peacemaker or A Troublemaker?


Relationships 101 When interpersonal problems are mishandled →CONFLICT When conflict is unresolved → DAMAGED RELATIONSHIPS (Latin ‘conflictus” meaning collision; past participle ‘confligere’ meaning strike together) When damaged relationships are not repaired → SEVERED TIES Ungodly Statistic Non-denominational evangelical Christians’ divorce rate: 38% Baptists’ divorce rate: 29% Atheists’/Agnostics’ divorce rate: 21% South has greatest percentage of [...]

Peacemaking in Marriage: Are You A Peacemaker or A Troublemaker?2021-11-24T19:45:35+00:00

Recognizing and Transforming Unhealthy Relationships


When we enter into a relationship, we bring not only our love and warmth but also the attitudes, behaviors and habits from all previous relationships. Each of these relationships molded and formed us into the people we are today. Perhaps our most significant relationship was the one we had with our parent(s). The way in [...]

Recognizing and Transforming Unhealthy Relationships2021-11-24T19:47:07+00:00

Overcoming the Major Destroyer of Marriages


Letting hurt and anger go unattended can cause serious, long-term damage to a marriage. Emotional wounds must be addressed in a biblically constructive manner or the offended party's spirit will eventually close. Definitions: spirit (‘pneuma’ means by which man relates to God) is a person’s innermost being; the “real you” soul (‘psyche’ means by which [...]

Overcoming the Major Destroyer of Marriages2021-11-24T19:48:09+00:00

How to Support Someone Who’s Grieving


When someone you care about is grieving after a loss, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. The bereaved struggle with a variety of intense, painful emotions, which include depression, anger, guilt, and profound sadness. Often, they also feel isolated and alone in their grief, since the intense pain and difficult [...]

How to Support Someone Who’s Grieving2021-11-24T19:49:21+00:00

How to Help Your Adult Child Without Enabling


Am I enabling my adult child’s addiction? As parents, we seek to protect our children, even when they are adults. But in some cases, “helping” may actually be harming. By protecting your adult child from the consequences of their addiction, you may also be enabling them to continue using drugs and alcohol, as they never [...]

How to Help Your Adult Child Without Enabling2021-11-24T19:50:29+00:00

Are You Compatible with Your Mate?


Research findings are highly consistent concerning compatibility. The most stable marriages are those involving two people with many similarities. For couples, similarities are money in the bank and differences are like debts that must be paid. When people come from similar backgrounds they operate from a position of strength. Their relationship is made easier by [...]

Are You Compatible with Your Mate?2021-11-24T19:51:38+00:00

Your Wife’s Need For Caring Conversation


It’s a strange thing. I rarely have a man ask me, “Why doesn’t my wife talk to me?” What I do hear is almost always the opposite—“Why doesn’t my husband talk to me?” It’s something of an axiom that men do not have as great a desire for conversation with their wives as women do [...]

Your Wife’s Need For Caring Conversation2021-11-24T19:52:45+00:00

Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Depression


  Use deep breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can be very beneficial for those with anxiety, especially those that hyperventilate. Hyperventilation is very common for people that have panic attacks and often causes physical symptoms that create more anxiety on their own. So to prevent that from happening, breathing exercises can be used to calm the [...]

Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Depression2021-11-24T19:53:54+00:00

Married But Alone


A common complaint I regularly hear from those requesting marriage counseling sounds like this: “I feel distant from my spouse.” “I try to get my husband to open up, but he just shuts down.” “My wife just doesn’t seem interested in me anymore. I feel like we’re a million miles apart.” Marriage counselors refer to [...]

Married But Alone2021-11-24T19:54:57+00:00

“I’m Sorry” is Not Enough


Have you ever said, “Look, I said I’m sorry; can we just drop it?” OR “All right, fine. I’m sorry. Do you feel better now?” Where did we get the idea that two simple words have the power to absolve all offenses and heal all wounds? When did we come to believe that we are [...]

“I’m Sorry” is Not Enough2021-11-24T19:56:00+00:00
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