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So far Bill has created 265 blog entries.

Ten Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships


Boundaries are one of the most powerful tools you have in relationships. They make you feel like you matter and that you're safe. Asking for what you want makes relationships mutually satisfying. When boundaries are a struggle, you feel unsure of yourself. You go along with what others want because it's easier. You don't want [...]

Ten Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships2021-11-24T19:56:58+00:00

How To Resolve Marital Conflict


The couple that never has conflict does not exist. It is inevitable for a number of reasons: men and women are different; we have different backgrounds; and we all have a nature that is prone to selfishness. Unfortunately, conflict can lead to emotionally painful fights, which may result in hostility, bitterness, alienation, and even separation [...]

How To Resolve Marital Conflict2021-11-24T19:57:57+00:00

Using Emotional Word Pictures to Increase Intimacy and Understanding in Marriage


An emotional "word picture" is a communication skill that brings to life the thoughts we want to share. It uses a story or object to simultaneously activate the emotions and intellect of another person. It causes them to experience our words, not just hear them. Five Reasons to Use Emotional Word Pictures: Word pictures have [...]

Using Emotional Word Pictures to Increase Intimacy and Understanding in Marriage2021-11-24T19:59:02+00:00

Commitment: The Glue that Holds a Marriage Together


Key Thought: Oneness develops through the consistent practice of marital love by both spouses. Introduction Sometimes we just don’t feel like being married, particularly when there seems to be more downs than ups. That’s when we must call to mind that the marriage vows (i.e. “for better or worse,” “’til death do us part”, etc.) [...]

Commitment: The Glue that Holds a Marriage Together2021-11-24T20:00:08+00:00

Hindrances to Sexual Intimacy in Marriage


Key Thought: Problems with sexual intimacy will hinder a couple from becoming one. A failure to communicate. Communication requires a listening love as well as a willingness to be vulnerable—to put into words what one is thinking and feeling and to trust those words to the partner’s understanding. Unresolved conflict. Anger and hostility, no matter [...]

Hindrances to Sexual Intimacy in Marriage2021-11-24T20:01:17+00:00

Why Divorce Hurts Children


Prominent child psychologist, Dr. Lee Salk, once remarked, “The trauma of divorce is second only to death. Children sense a deep loss and feel they are suddenly vulnerable to forces beyond their control.” Those who would have us believe that children are resilient and able to readily adapt to the changes that divorce forces upon [...]

Why Divorce Hurts Children2021-11-24T20:02:29+00:00

Your Husband’s Greatest Need


Fill in the blank: “Behind every successful man is _________.” If you answered a pushy mother- in- law or a nagging wife, you need to keep reading! The correct answer is an admiring and respectful wife. Before you dismiss this as a worn-out joke, consider the fact that God instructs a wife to respect her [...]

Your Husband’s Greatest Need2021-11-24T20:04:01+00:00

Why Hurt People Hurt People


An old adage says, “Hurt people, hurt people.” It is well known that those who have been emotionally damaged tend to inflict their hurt and pain on others, particularly family and friends. This often accounts for the conflict that many couples experience. One or both bring emotional baggage from the past into the relationship, which [...]

Why Hurt People Hurt People2021-11-24T20:05:15+00:00

The Ten Habits of Healthy Families


The term “dysfunctional family” has become an overused, pop psychology, cliché that makes it difficult to understand what a functional family actually looks like. The truth is that all families go through cycles and changes, sometimes demonstrating amazing resiliency and health and other times showing signs of chaos, problems and conflict. No family is completely [...]

The Ten Habits of Healthy Families2021-11-24T20:06:27+00:00

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?


How would you describe your current marriage relationship? Are things good or maybe a little shaky? Do you see any danger signs that trouble you? If you’re not sure, why not take the time to review some of the danger signs? Scripture tells us "a prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple [...]

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?2021-11-24T20:07:39+00:00
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