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So far Bill has created 265 blog entries.

Characteristics of Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families


A dysfunctional family is one whose interactions are distorted by the addictions, compulsions, and behaviors of one or more of its members. As a result, the needs of each individual in the family are ignored and a rule of “don’t trust, don’t feel” emerges. The result is that children grow up with their own self-destructive [...]

Characteristics of Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families2021-11-25T20:54:13+00:00

Am I Codependent?


Answer each question with “yes” (mostly true for me) or “no” (mostly not true for me). Circle each “yes” answer and count the total. 1. Do you tolerate mistreatment from people in hopes of being loved? 2. Do you depend on people who are emotionally unavailable to care for you? 3. Do you feel compelled [...]

Am I Codependent?2021-11-25T20:55:37+00:00

Low Self-Esteem Inventory


DIRECTIONS: For each of the statements below, the rate in your journal what is your level of exhibiting these behaviors in your life. Use the following rating scale: 1 = never 2 = rarely 3 = sometimes 4 = frequently 5 = almost always 1. I seek approval and affirmation from others, and I am [...]

Low Self-Esteem Inventory2021-11-25T20:56:43+00:00

Am I in a difficult Relationship?


1. Do you feel like you often “on eggshells” with this person? 2. Do you find yourself frequently upset and angry with this person? 3. Does this person emotionally drain you? 4. Do you find yourself rehearsing conversations you had with this person? 5. Have you emotionally distance yourself from this person? 6. Do you [...]

Am I in a difficult Relationship?2021-11-25T20:57:44+00:00

Am I in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?


1. Does your partner enjoy humiliating you in public? 2. Do you find that the way your partner treated you at the beginning of the relationship is unrecognizable from the way they treat you now? 3. Are you persistently made to feel guilty for voicing your concerns in the relationship? 4. Does your partner shame [...]

Am I in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?2021-11-25T20:59:23+00:00



Forgiveness Ephesians 4:32 In a fallen world, forgiveness is essential to maintain close relationships. We all need forgiveness and we all need to grant forgiveness, because we all sin and we all have been sinned against. But asking for and granting forgiveness are not easy tasks! It’s not an easy subject to understand, as seen [...]


The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong


The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong “Don’t be stubborn like a horse or mule. They need a bit and bridle in their mouth to restrain them, or they will not come near you.” Ps. 32:9  You’re in the middle of another argument with your partner. They’re driving you crazy. Can’t they see [...]

The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong2021-11-25T21:01:32+00:00

Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage


Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage  “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Ps. 127:3-5 Introduction: There is a widespread belief in every culture that children [...]

Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage2021-11-25T21:02:38+00:00

Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically


Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically Introduction: A child that does not learn to handle his/her anger in a biblically appropriatemanner will experience a lifetime of personal and interpersonal problems (i.e. social/relational, emotional, occupational, spiritual, physical, etc.). Ideally, anger management skills should be taught during a child’s formative years before destructive habits are [...]

Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically2021-11-25T21:03:44+00:00

Are You a Giver or Taker?


Are You a Giver or a Taker?   The Common Marital Complaint Married women have a common complaint against their husbands: They feel used and taken advantage of. Research confirms that in the areas of emotional intimacy, affection, companionship, attentiveness, division of household work, and childcare, women typically do the heavy lifting. They sense they [...]

Are You a Giver or Taker?2021-11-25T21:05:03+00:00
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