
Dealing with Hurt in a Biblical Way


We all experience hurt in our lives - it's an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. People will let us down, disappoint us, betray us, and cause us pain, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Even those closest to us like family members, friends, and spouses can deeply wound us at times. The question is [...]

Dealing with Hurt in a Biblical Way2024-06-28T21:28:26+00:00

Overcoming Hurts, Habits and Hangups in Christian Relationships


As Christians, we are called to love others as Christ loves us. However, navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when we carry baggage from past hurts, struggle with unhealthy habits, or get hung up on issues. If we want to build strong, God-honoring relationships, we must learn to overcome these obstacles with God's help. Here [...]

Overcoming Hurts, Habits and Hangups in Christian Relationships2024-06-19T19:49:57+00:00

Wisdom in Selecting a Christian Spouse


Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a Christian. The person you marry will shape your life and walk with God in profound ways. As the Bible says, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Proverbs 18:22) However, finding [...]

Wisdom in Selecting a Christian Spouse2024-06-19T19:11:58+00:00

Emotional Baggage in Christian Relationships


As Christians, we are called to love others as Christ loves us. However, bringing unresolved emotional issues and past hurts into a relationship can make truly loving another person very difficult. Whether it's a dating relationship, engagement or marriage, emotional baggage can weigh down and even destroy an otherwise healthy Christian relationship if not properly [...]

Emotional Baggage in Christian Relationships2024-06-18T22:24:39+00:00

The Impact of Divorce on the Home


Divorce has become an all too common reality in our society, even among Christians. While God's ideal is for marriage to be a lifelong covenant relationship, the sad truth is that many Christian marriages end in divorce. This can have a devastating impact on the family, especially the children. As the body of Christ, it's [...]

The Impact of Divorce on the Home2024-06-18T21:54:57+00:00

Powerful Phrases for Building An Extraordinary Relationship


Relationships are the foundation of a fulfilling life, but they don't come easy. Building extraordinary relationships takes effort, emotional intelligence, and effective communication skills. While there's no magic formula, using certain key phrases can help foster deeper connections, increase intimacy and trust, and navigate conflicts in a healthy way. Here are some powerful phrases to [...]

Powerful Phrases for Building An Extraordinary Relationship2024-06-18T21:34:23+00:00

How to Model Godly Living to Your Kids


As Christian parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to model godly character and behavior to the children God has entrusted to our care. More than just teaching them biblical principles, our lives should exemplify what it means to faithfully follow Christ in word and deed. The power of our example cannot be overstated [...]

How to Model Godly Living to Your Kids2024-06-18T20:51:32+00:00

Why Premarital Counseling Matters


Premarital counseling is one of the wisest investments an engaged Christian couple can make in their future marriage. While wedding planning often takes center stage during the engagement period, intentionally preparing for the lifelong commitment of marriage is even more critical. Premarital counseling, especially from a Christian perspective, lays a strong foundation for a healthy, [...]

Why Premarital Counseling Matters2024-06-18T22:15:38+00:00

The Devastating Impact of Substance Abuse on a Christian Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God. It is intended to be a lifelong union characterized by love, faithfulness, and mutual support. However, when one spouse struggles with substance abuse, it can have a devastating impact on the marriage relationship and the entire family. For Christians, substance abuse is not [...]

The Devastating Impact of Substance Abuse on a Christian Marriage2024-06-17T21:03:04+00:00

The Difficulties of Blended Families


Blended families, formed through remarriage after divorce or the death of a spouse, are increasingly common in the church today. In fact, approximately one-third of all weddings in America form stepfamilies. While blended families can be a wonderful example of God's redemptive love, the reality is that the unique dynamics and challenges they face often [...]

The Difficulties of Blended Families2024-06-18T16:05:43+00:00
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