
How Can I Gain Victory Over Impure Thoughts?


Many Christians are discouraged because they are unable to conquer impure habits. Impure habits are a by-product of impure thoughts, and only as the battle is won in the thought life will there be hope of victory over impure actions. Satan wants you to believe that you’re the only one who has this problem and that [...]

How Can I Gain Victory Over Impure Thoughts?2023-05-12T22:44:17+00:00

Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Depression


  Use deep breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can be very beneficial for those with anxiety, especially those that hyperventilate. Hyperventilation is very common for people that have panic attacks and often causes physical symptoms that create more anxiety on their own. So to prevent that from happening, breathing exercises can be used to calm the [...]

Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Depression2021-11-24T19:53:54+00:00
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