
The Authoritarian and Permissive Parent


Signs of an Authoritarian Parent: “It’s my way or the highway” It's characterized by rigid rules and high demands. Authoritarian parents have high standards and can be highly critical when those standards aren't met. They also tend to offer less emotional warmth compared to authoritative parents. You have little patience for misbehavior Authoritarian parents don’t [...]

The Authoritarian and Permissive Parent2021-11-25T19:46:13+00:00

How Open is Your Child’s Spirit?


Laying a good foundation during your child’s formative years is critically important in determining who and what they will become as adults. Key Thought: The single most prevalent cause for disharmony within family relationships is a closed spirit. What is a Closed Spirit? “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a [...]

How Open is Your Child’s Spirit?2021-11-25T19:48:34+00:00

Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage


Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage  “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!” Ps. 127:3-5 Introduction: There is a widespread belief in every culture that children [...]

Parenting Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Marriage2021-11-25T21:02:38+00:00

Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically


Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically Introduction: A child that does not learn to handle his/her anger in a biblically appropriatemanner will experience a lifetime of personal and interpersonal problems (i.e. social/relational, emotional, occupational, spiritual, physical, etc.). Ideally, anger management skills should be taught during a child’s formative years before destructive habits are [...]

Teaching Your Child How to Manage Anger Biblically2021-11-25T21:03:44+00:00
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