
What is Your Child’s Chief Purpose in Life?


In contemporary society, the pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment is often touted as the ultimate goal of life. This perspective, however, stands in stark contrast to the worldview held by many Christian parents. Rooted in biblical teachings and a deep understanding of the purpose of life as defined by Scripture, Christian parents often reject the [...]

What is Your Child’s Chief Purpose in Life?2024-06-30T19:07:55+00:00

The Impact of Childhood Experiences


Our early relationships, especially with caregivers, significantly shape our self-identity and how we relate to ourselves and others in adulthood. Recognizing and addressing the impact of childhood experiences can be crucial for developing healthier relationships. Childhood is a formative period that lays the foundation for an individual's emotional, social, and psychological development. The experiences and [...]

The Impact of Childhood Experiences2024-06-30T18:47:36+00:00

Why a United Front Matters


Raising children is a complex and challenging task, especially in today's world where values and beliefs are constantly being tested. For Christian parents, the stakes are even higher as they strive to instill biblical principles and a strong faith foundation in their children. One of the most crucial aspects of effective parenting is presenting a [...]

Why a United Front Matters2024-06-25T19:23:58+00:00

Nurturing Your Child’s Mental and Emotional Health


Create a loving, supportive home environment One of the most important things parents can do is foster a home atmosphere of unconditional love, acceptance, and emotional safety. Children need to feel secure in their relationship with their parents and know they can come to them with any struggles or concerns. Make time for quality one-on-one [...]

Nurturing Your Child’s Mental and Emotional Health2024-06-20T21:05:30+00:00

The Pitfalls of Gentle Parenting: How an Idealized Approach Can Backfire


Gentle parenting has gained significant traction in recent years, promoted as a compassionate and nurturing approach to raising children. Proponents argue that this method fosters strong emotional bonds, empathy, and self-regulation in kids. However, despite its well-intentioned principles, an overemphasis on gentle parenting techniques can inadvertently lead to unintended consequences that may harm a child's [...]

The Pitfalls of Gentle Parenting: How an Idealized Approach Can Backfire2024-06-20T18:12:28+00:00

Helping Your Child with Gender Identity Issues


As Christian parents, one of the most heartbreaking and confusing situations you may face is having a child who expresses that they are struggling with gender dysphoria - feeling that their biological sex does not match their internal sense of gender identity. While the world increasingly celebrates transgenderism and encourages those with gender dysphoria to [...]

Helping Your Child with Gender Identity Issues2024-06-18T22:35:45+00:00

The Impact of Divorce on the Home


Divorce has become an all too common reality in our society, even among Christians. While God's ideal is for marriage to be a lifelong covenant relationship, the sad truth is that many Christian marriages end in divorce. This can have a devastating impact on the family, especially the children. As the body of Christ, it's [...]

The Impact of Divorce on the Home2024-06-18T21:54:57+00:00

How Does a Christian Couple Tear Down Walls of Bitterness?


Bitterness can be a pervasive and destructive force in any relationship, but it is particularly damaging in a marriage. For Christian couples, addressing and overcoming bitterness is not only a relational necessity but also a spiritual mandate. This article explores how Christian couples can tear down walls of bitterness by applying biblical principles, seeking God's [...]

How Does a Christian Couple Tear Down Walls of Bitterness?2024-06-17T16:24:00+00:00

How to Raise Kids that Will Keep the Faith


It's every Christian parent's worst fear - watching their child walk away from the faith they were raised in. Studies show that a shocking 70% of kids raised in Christian homes will leave the church after high school. With the odds stacked against us, how can we raise children who keep the faith as adults? While [...]

How to Raise Kids that Will Keep the Faith2024-06-15T15:45:41+00:00

How to Raise an Emotionally Mature Child


“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” I Cor. 13:11  Emotions are God-given. In and of themselves, they are not sinful, but beneficial. The word ‘emotion’ in Latin is motere, which means [...]

How to Raise an Emotionally Mature Child2021-11-24T20:51:48+00:00
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