
Are You Living With a Narcissist?


The term "narcissism" has become increasingly common in modern psychology and popular culture to describe people who are excessively self-centered, entitled, and lacking in empathy. But is narcissism a concept that is recognized and addressed in the Bible? While the word itself is not found in Scripture, many biblical passages speak to the underlying attitudes [...]

Are You Living With a Narcissist?2024-06-20T16:06:12+00:00

Are You Conflict Avoidant?


Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, including marriage. However, some Christian couples tend to avoid conflict, believing that it is the best way to maintain peace and harmony in their relationship. While the intention behind conflict avoidance may be noble, it can lead to unresolved issues, resentment, and a lack of genuine intimacy. [...]

Are You Conflict Avoidant?2024-06-20T15:56:45+00:00

Are You in a Crazy Cycle?


The Crazy Cycle is a concept introduced by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs in his book "Love and Respect" to explain the negative pattern of communication and behavior that often arises in marriages. It is based on the biblical principle found in Ephesians 5:33, which states, "However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, [...]

Are You in a Crazy Cycle?2024-06-19T19:59:59+00:00

Dealing with Hurt in a Biblical Way


We all experience hurt in our lives - it's an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. People will let us down, disappoint us, betray us, and cause us pain, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Even those closest to us like family members, friends, and spouses can deeply wound us at times. The question is [...]

Dealing with Hurt in a Biblical Way2024-06-28T21:28:26+00:00

Overcoming Hurts, Habits and Hangups in Christian Relationships


As Christians, we are called to love others as Christ loves us. However, navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when we carry baggage from past hurts, struggle with unhealthy habits, or get hung up on issues. If we want to build strong, God-honoring relationships, we must learn to overcome these obstacles with God's help. Here [...]

Overcoming Hurts, Habits and Hangups in Christian Relationships2024-06-19T19:49:57+00:00

Why Are So Many Christian Relationships Failing?


Despite the biblical foundation and faith-based values, many Christian relationships and marriages still end in breakup or divorce. While no relationship is perfect, there are some common factors that contribute to the failure of Christian relationships. By examining these issues, Christian couples can work to build stronger, more resilient partnerships centered on their shared faith [...]

Why Are So Many Christian Relationships Failing?2024-06-19T19:29:34+00:00

Ten Mistakes Christian Couples Make


Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, a sacred covenant designed to reflect Christ's love for the church. However, even Christian couples can fall into unhealthy patterns and make mistakes that strain their relationship. Here are ten common mistakes to be aware of: Poor Communication Communication is the lifeblood of any marriage. When couples fail [...]

Ten Mistakes Christian Couples Make2024-06-19T18:57:42+00:00

Resolving Marital Conflict Proactively


Conflict is inevitable in any marriage, even among Christian couples. When two imperfect people come together, there will be disagreements, misunderstandings, and clashes of will. The key is not to avoid conflict altogether, but to resolve it in a biblical manner that honors God and strengthens the marriage bond. As Christians, we have the advantage [...]

Resolving Marital Conflict Proactively2024-06-19T18:49:48+00:00

Maintaining Sexual Fidelity in Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man, a woman, and God. When a couple makes their wedding vows before God, they are committing to love, honor, and cherish one another for life. An essential part of this commitment is maintaining sexual fidelity - reserving sexual intimacy exclusively for one's spouse. The Bible is clear [...]

Maintaining Sexual Fidelity in Marriage2024-06-19T18:40:51+00:00

Helping Your Child with Gender Identity Issues


As Christian parents, one of the most heartbreaking and confusing situations you may face is having a child who expresses that they are struggling with gender dysphoria - feeling that their biological sex does not match their internal sense of gender identity. While the world increasingly celebrates transgenderism and encourages those with gender dysphoria to [...]

Helping Your Child with Gender Identity Issues2024-06-18T22:35:45+00:00
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