
Sexual Anorexia in Marriage


Sexual anorexia is a complex issue that can significantly impact Christian marriages. This article will explore the concept of sexual anorexia, its prevalence in Christian relationships, potential causes, and approaches for addressing it from a biblical perspective. Understanding Sexual Anorexia Sexual anorexia is a term coined in 1975 by psychologist Nathan Hare to describe a [...]

Sexual Anorexia in Marriage2024-07-01T20:24:05+00:00

Intimacy Avoidance in Marriage


Intimacy is a cornerstone of a healthy marriage, serving as a vital connection between spouses that encompasses emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions. However, intimacy avoidance can be a significant issue in Christian marriages, leading to feelings of loneliness, resentment, and disconnection. This article explores the causes, signs, and solutions for intimacy avoidance within the context [...]

Intimacy Avoidance in Marriage2024-07-01T20:03:34+00:00

Practicing the Presence of People


In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it's easy to lose sight of the profound importance of human connection. We often find ourselves rushing through interactions, multitasking during conversations, or avoiding meaningful engagement altogether. However, there is a transformative approach to relationships that can deepen our capacity for love and enrich our lives: practicing the presence of [...]

Practicing the Presence of People2024-07-01T19:49:34+00:00

The Impact of Childhood Experiences


Our early relationships, especially with caregivers, significantly shape our self-identity and how we relate to ourselves and others in adulthood. Recognizing and addressing the impact of childhood experiences can be crucial for developing healthier relationships. Childhood is a formative period that lays the foundation for an individual's emotional, social, and psychological development. The experiences and [...]

The Impact of Childhood Experiences2024-06-30T18:47:36+00:00

The Challenge of Mixed Signals in Relationships


Mixed signals can be one of the most frustrating and confusing aspects of dating and relationships. One moment, the person you're interested in seems completely invested - texting you constantly, making plans for the future, and showering you with affection. The next, they're distant, unresponsive, and seemingly uninterested. This emotional rollercoaster can leave you feeling [...]

The Challenge of Mixed Signals in Relationships2024-06-30T17:53:40+00:00

The Intentional Father


As a Christian father, one of the most important responsibilities is to intentionally raise children in the faith, modeling Christ's love and teaching biblical principles. Being an intentional Christian father requires thoughtful effort, consistent spiritual leadership, and a commitment to nurturing both the physical and spiritual needs of one's children. This article will explore key [...]

The Intentional Father2024-06-30T17:54:12+00:00

The Myth of the “Emotional Woman”


The myth that women are inherently more emotional than men is a deeply entrenched stereotype that has persisted for generations. This belief is not only inaccurate but also harmful, perpetuating gender biases and affecting how emotions are perceived and expressed by both men and women. Despite the common perception that women are more emotionally expressive, [...]

The Myth of the “Emotional Woman”2024-06-28T22:19:21+00:00

Common Differences Between Men and Women in Relationships


Understanding the common differences between men and women in relationships is crucial for fostering healthy and fulfilling partnerships. These differences can be attributed to a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Recognizing and appreciating these distinctions can help couples navigate their relationships more effectively. This article explores several key areas where men and women [...]

Common Differences Between Men and Women in Relationships2024-06-28T22:01:05+00:00

The Psychological Profile of a Healthy Person


A psychologically healthy person exhibits a constellation of traits and behaviors that allow them to function effectively, maintain positive relationships, and experience overall well-being. While no one is perfectly mentally healthy all the time, understanding the key characteristics of psychological health can provide a framework for personal growth and development. This article explores the main [...]

The Psychological Profile of a Healthy Person2024-06-28T20:19:01+00:00

Bringing Out the Best in Your Partner


As Christians, one of the most important callings in marriage is to help our spouse grow closer to Christ. When a husband and wife are both pursuing God, it creates a powerful spiritual synergy that draws out the best in each other. While only God can ultimately change hearts, there are many ways we can [...]

Bringing Out the Best in Your Partner2024-06-28T20:10:17+00:00
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