
The Husband’s Biblical Role in Marriage-Part 1


Key Thought: A wise husband discerns that his role is crucial in achieving oneness. The husband’s role includes three essential responsibilities: The first area of responsibility is love. “Husbands, love (agape) your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and (sacrificially) gave Himself for it… so husbands ought to love their own wives as [...]

The Husband’s Biblical Role in Marriage-Part 12021-11-25T19:59:33+00:00

15 Signs of Emotional Detachment in Marriage


Emotional distance can build up over time, often sneaking up on you without you even realizing it. Before you know it, it feels like you are miles apart, disconnected, and maybe not even in love. Unfortunately, it happened for a reason…and you may have played a part in that. These behaviors build walls and divide the [...]

15 Signs of Emotional Detachment in Marriage2021-11-25T20:53:09+00:00

Do You Have a Healthy, Intimate Marriage?


This kind of relationship requires an emotional investment from both partners. There is a consistent effort to strengthen the emotional bond by engaging in the following behaviors:  Spend quality time together. Engage in physical affection. Have regular, meaningful conversations. Be open and transparent with one another. Listen attentively to one another. Share hopes, dreams, and [...]

Do You Have a Healthy, Intimate Marriage?2021-11-25T20:45:39+00:00



Forgiveness Ephesians 4:32 In a fallen world, forgiveness is essential to maintain close relationships. We all need forgiveness and we all need to grant forgiveness, because we all sin and we all have been sinned against. But asking for and granting forgiveness are not easy tasks! It’s not an easy subject to understand, as seen [...]


Are You a Giver or Taker?


Are You a Giver or a Taker?   The Common Marital Complaint Married women have a common complaint against their husbands: They feel used and taken advantage of. Research confirms that in the areas of emotional intimacy, affection, companionship, attentiveness, division of household work, and childcare, women typically do the heavy lifting. They sense they [...]

Are You a Giver or Taker?2021-11-25T21:05:03+00:00

The Dangers of Dating


The Dangers of Dating I do not believe that dating is sinful but it is broken and needs to be fixed. Dating is similar to eating at a fast-food restaurant—it’s not wrong to eat there, but there is something far better available. There is a better way of romance, a way that might spare many [...]

The Dangers of Dating2021-11-25T21:09:54+00:00

Felt Like Giving Up Lately?


FELT LIKE GIVING UP LATELY? “I just can’t go on anymore. I can’t make it, even though I try so hard. It’s hopeless. Why try?” Churches are full of hurting people who can’t seem to find relief from their problems. There are loving parents who have been deeply wounded by the deception and delinquency of [...]

Felt Like Giving Up Lately?2021-11-25T21:16:48+00:00

The Gift of Honor


The Gift of Honor In working with couples over the last 35 years, I have discovered that there is one essential quality a husband and wife must possess in order to have a great relationship. What is it? The ability to give the gift of honor to one another. Feeling worthwhile as an individual is [...]

The Gift of Honor2021-11-25T21:14:57+00:00
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