Emotional intelligence (EI) can be defined as the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions in oneself and others. It is considered an important factor in personal and professional success, as it allows people to navigate social complexities, make good decisions, communicate effectively, and manage stress. Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can be developed and strengthened over time through practice and training.

Self-Awareness (20 items)

  1. I can accurately identify my emotions as I experience them.
  2. I’m aware of how my mood affects my thoughts and behavior.
  3. I recognize how my emotions impact my performance at work/school.
  4. I can tell when I’m becoming stressed or overwhelmed.
  5. I notice how my body reacts to different emotional states.
  6. I’m aware of my emotional strengths and weaknesses.
  7. I understand how my upbringing influences my emotional responses.
  8. I can identify specific triggers for my emotions.
  9. I’m aware of how my emotions change throughout the day.
  10. I notice patterns in my emotional reactions to certain situations.
  11. I can distinguish between different emotions I’m feeling simultaneously.
  12. I’m aware of how my emotions affect my decision-making.
  13. I recognize when my emotional reactions are disproportionate.
  14. I can tell when I’m masking or suppressing my true feelings.
  15. I’m aware of how my emotions manifest physically (e.g. tension, heart rate).
  16. I notice how my self-talk influences my emotional state.
  17. I can identify when I’m experiencing conflicting emotions.
  18. I’m aware of how my emotions impact my energy levels.
  19. I recognize how my emotions affect my interactions with others.
  20. I can tell when my emotions are clouding my judgment.

Self-Management (20 items)

  1. I can calm myself down when feeling stressed or anxious.
  2. I’m able to stay composed in challenging situations.
  3. I can motivate myself to complete difficult tasks.
  4. I’m able to regulate my emotions without suppressing them.
  5. I can shift my mood when necessary to suit a situation.
  6. I’m able to delay gratification to achieve long-term goals.
  7. I can reframe negative situations to find positive aspects.
  8. I’m able to manage my emotions without using unhealthy coping mechanisms.
  9. I can maintain a positive outlook even during setbacks.
  10. I’m able to bounce back quickly from disappointments.
  11. I can control impulsive feelings and behaviors.
  12. I’m able to adapt my emotional expression to different contexts.
  13. I can manage multiple demands without becoming overwhelmed.
  14. I’m able to stay focused despite emotional distractions.
  15. I can channel my emotions into constructive activities.
  16. I’m able to take a step back and assess a situation objectively.
  17. I can use self-talk effectively to manage my emotions.
  18. I’m able to maintain emotional balance in high-pressure situations.
  19. I can regulate my emotions to enhance my productivity.
  20. I’m able to let go of negative emotions in a healthy way.

Social Awareness (20 items)

  1. I can accurately read others’ non-verbal cues.
  2. I’m attuned to others’ moods and emotions.
  3. I can sense the emotional undercurrents in a group.
  4. I’m able to recognize when someone is feeling uncomfortable.
  5. I can tell when someone is being insincere.
  6. I’m aware of how my behavior affects others emotionally.
  7. I can pick up on subtle emotional changes in others.
  8. I’m able to understand others’ perspectives, even when I disagree.
  9. I can sense when someone needs emotional support.
  10. I’m aware of power dynamics in social situations.
  11. I can recognize cultural differences in emotional expression.
  12. I’m able to empathize with others’ experiences.
  13. I can sense tension or conflict in relationships.
  14. I’m aware of others’ emotional needs in group settings.
  15. I can tell when someone is holding back their true feelings.
  16. I’m able to recognize emotional patterns in others’ behavior.
  17. I can sense when my words or actions have hurt someone.
  18. I’m aware of how different environments affect people emotionally.
  19. I can recognize when someone is feeling overwhelmed.
  20. I’m able to pick up on unspoken feelings in a conversation.

Relationship Management (20 items)

  1. I can effectively resolve conflicts between others.
  2. I’m able to give constructive feedback sensitively.
  3. I can inspire and motivate others.
  4. I’m able to build rapport quickly with new people.
  5. I can help others manage their emotions during difficult times.
  6. I’m able to navigate complex social situations with ease.
  7. I can de-escalate tense situations effectively.
  8. I’m able to influence others positively.
  9. I can adapt my communication style to different individuals.
  10. I’m able to foster a positive emotional climate in groups.
  11. I can build and maintain strong, trusting relationships.
  12. I’m able to collaborate effectively with diverse teams.
  13. I can mediate disagreements to find win-win solutions.
  14. I’m able to provide emotional support to others.
  15. I can create an environment where people feel valued.
  16. I’m able to give praise and recognition effectively.
  17. I can facilitate open and honest communication.
  18. I’m able to address others’ concerns empathetically.
  19. I can build consensus among people with differing views.
  20. I’m able to lead others through change positively.

Emotional Reasoning (20 items)

  1. I consider both logic and emotions when making decisions.
  2. I’m able to use my emotions to enhance my creativity.
  3. I can leverage emotional information to solve problems.
  4. I’m able to anticipate how decisions will impact others emotionally.
  5. I can use empathy to inform my strategic thinking.
  6. I’m able to balance emotional and rational perspectives.
  7. I can recognize how emotions influence group dynamics.
  8. I’m able to use emotional insights to drive positive change.
  9. I can integrate emotional data into my analysis of situations.
  10. I’m able to use emotional intelligence to enhance my leadership.
  11. I can recognize emotional patterns that impact organizational culture.
  12. I’m able to use emotional awareness to improve team performance.
  13. I can leverage emotional intelligence in negotiations.
  14. I’m able to use emotional insights to foster innovation.
  15. I can recognize how emotions impact decision-making processes.
  16. I’m able to use emotional intelligence to enhance customer relations.
  17. I can integrate emotional considerations into project planning.
  18. I’m able to use emotional awareness to improve communication strategies.
  19. I can leverage emotional intelligence to build more effective partnerships.
  20. I’m able to use emotional insights to drive personal and professional growth.

Respondents would rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale:

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

This test covers the key components of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and emotional reasoning. It includes both self-report items and scenario-based questions to assess ability. The test could be further refined through pilot testing and statistical analysis to ensure reliability and validity.