
The Marital Happiness Inventory (MHI)

MARITAL HAPPINESS INVENTORY (MHI) By Bill Clark, D.Min., Ph.D.   This inventory consists of numbered statements to which you will respond True or False. Answer EACH ITEM as honestly as you can. (Note: On statements pertaining to children or family, mark N/A if you do not have children. Your overall profile score will scaled to compensate for these omissions.) [...]

Are You a Giver or Taker?

Are You a Giver or Taker? The Common Marital Complaint Married women have a common complaint against their husbands: They feel used and taken advantage of. Research confirms that in the areas of emotional intimacy, affection, companionship, attentiveness, division of household work, and childcare, women typically do the heavy lifting. They sense they are putting [...]

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