Categories: Self Assesment

Family Functionality Assessment

This test covers various aspects of family functioning, including communication, problem-solving, emotional support, roles and responsibilities, adaptability, and overall family dynamics. It can be used as a comprehensive tool to assess family functionality and identify areas that may need improvement or further attention.

(1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree).

  1. Our family communicates openly and honestly with each other.
  2. We solve problems together as a family.
  3. Family members support each other during difficult times.
  4. We express affection towards one another.
  5. Our family has clear rules and expectations.
  6. We respect each other’s privacy and personal boundaries.
  7. Family members are involved in each other’s lives.
  8. We celebrate each other’s achievements and milestones.
  9. Our family adapts well to change.
  10. We make decisions together as a family.
  11. Family members feel comfortable sharing their feelings.
  12. We have regular family meals together.
  13. Our family has shared values and beliefs.
  14. We handle conflicts constructively.
  15. Family members take responsibility for their actions.
  16. We encourage each other’s personal growth and development.
  17. Our family has a good balance of togetherness and individual space.
  18. We trust each other.
  19. Family members listen to each other without judgment.
  20. We have family traditions and rituals that are important to us.
  21. Our family is able to forgive and move past conflicts.
  22. We distribute household responsibilities fairly.
  23. Family members respect each other’s opinions, even when they differ.
  24. We support each other’s goals and aspirations.
  25. Our family has a positive outlook on life.
  26. We can rely on each other in times of need.
  27. Family members show interest in each other’s activities and hobbies.
  28. We have clear and effective communication patterns.
  29. Our family maintains a good balance between work/school and family time.
  30. We are able to laugh and have fun together.
  31. Family members are encouraged to pursue their individual interests.
  32. We handle stress and crises effectively as a family.
  33. Our family has a strong sense of unity.
  34. We respect generational and age differences within the family.
  35. Family members feel emotionally safe with each other.
  36. We are able to compromise when making decisions.
  37. Our family has healthy ways of expressing anger and frustration.
  38. We support each other’s emotional needs.
  39. Family members are accepting of each other’s friends and partners.
  40. We have a good balance of structure and flexibility in our family life.
  41. Our family is able to seek help when needed.
  42. We show appreciation for each other’s efforts and contributions.
  43. Family members respect each other’s personal space and belongings.
  44. We have clear and appropriate boundaries with extended family members.
  45. Our family encourages open discussions about important topics.
  46. We are able to maintain healthy relationships outside the family.
  47. Family members feel a sense of belonging and acceptance.
  48. We handle financial matters responsibly as a family.
  49. Our family promotes a healthy lifestyle.
  50. We have a shared vision for our family’s future.


  • Calculate the total score by summing up the responses to all 50 items.
  • Higher scores indicate better family functionality.
  • Possible score range: 50-250


  • 200-250: High family functionality
  • 150-199: Moderate family functionality
  • 100-149: Low family functionality
  • 50-99: Very low family functionality

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