Categories: Self Assesment

Marital Distress Inventory (MDI)

The Marital Distress Inventory is designed to assess the degree of distress in a marital relationship. It covers various dimensions of marital interaction and can be used to identify areas of concern. The inventory consists of 25 items, each rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where:

  • : Rarely or none of the time

  • : A little of the time

  • : Some of the time

  • : A good part of the time

  • : Most of the time

Marital Distress Inventory Items

  1. We frequently argue about finances.

  2. I feel unheard in our conversations.

  3. We have different expectations about household chores.

  4. Intimacy is lacking in our relationship.

  5. We disagree on how to discipline our children.

  6. I feel unsupported by my partner.

  7. We have trouble resolving conflicts.

  8. We spend too little time together.

  9. I am dissatisfied with our sexual relationship.

  10. We have different goals for our future.

  11. I feel criticized by my partner.

  12. We have financial disagreements often.

  13. I feel like we are growing apart.

  14. We have trouble expressing affection.

  15. I am unhappy with our communication style.

  16. We argue about in-laws frequently.

  17. I feel like my partner is distant.

  18. We have different values regarding family.

  19. I am unhappy with how we handle disagreements.

  20. We lack common interests.

  21. I feel like my partner does not understand me.

  22. We have trouble making decisions together.

  23. I am dissatisfied with our leisure time activities.

  24. We argue about personal space often.

  25. I feel like our relationship is stagnant.

Scoring Method

  1. Sum the scores for each item to get a total score ranging from 25 to 125.
  2. Intepretation
    • : Low distress. The relationship appears to be healthy with minimal issues.

    • : Moderate distress. Some areas of concern exist, but overall satisfaction is still present.

    • : Significant distress. Noticeable problems are affecting the relationship, requiring attention.

    • : High distress. Serious issues are impacting the relationship, indicating a need for professional help.

    • : Extreme distress. The relationship is severely strained, and immediate intervention is recommended.

This inventory is designed to help identify areas of marital distress and encourage open communication about these issues. It should be used as a tool for self-reflection and discussion rather than a definitive diagnostic measure.


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