Letting hurt and anger go unattended can cause serious, long-term damage to a marriage. Emotional wounds must be addressed in a biblically constructive manner or the offended party’s spirit will eventually close.
- spirit (‘pneuma’ means by which man relates to God) is a person’s innermost being; the “real you”
- soul (‘psyche’ means by which man relates to man) is a person’s mind, emotions, and will
- body is the physical shell that houses the spirit and soul
All three parts interrelate and make up the total person
A person’s spirit is considered to be “open” when they manifest the following characteristics:
- An absence of anger or hurt in relation to their mate
- A desire to communicate with their mate
- A willingness to touch or be touched by their mate
- An enjoyment of being in their mate’s presence.
A “closed” spirit is reflected in the following ways:
- An argumentative attitude
- A resistance to discuss or agree on almost anything with their mate
- A tendency to avoid their mate’s presence
- An unwillingness to cooperate or work with their mate on a task or project
- A failure to ask for or respect their mate’s advice
- A persistent critical attitude toward their mate
- A noticeable decline in romantic or warm feelings toward their mate.
A closed spirit is one that has been crushed
“The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:13
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit who can bear.” Proverbs 17:22
“A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear.” Proverbs 18:14
How Do We Crush Someone’s Spirit?
Crush means to maim, damage or spoil by an outside force. When a person has been wounded by our words or actions, their spirit closes; a wall of protection is built up to protect from further pain.
- By criticizing our mate harshly
- By speaking hurtful words
- By taking our mate for granted
- By telling our mate that their opinions don’t matter
- By dismissing our mate’s needs as unimportant
- By making jokes about our mate’s character or physical flaws
- By not trusting our mate when they deserve
- By making sarcastic remarks
- By forcing our mate to do something that they do not believe is right
- By being rude to our mate in front of others
- By being unwilling to admit that we are wrong.
Five Keys to Open a Closed Spirit
- Demonstrate softness and tenderheartedness.
- Understand what the person has gone through by listening carefully to their hurts.
- Acknowledge their hurt and admit that you have emotionally wounded them.
- Approach the other person gently.
- Ask for forgiveness.
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