Trust within a marriage is the most fundamental ingredient necessary for two people to live together with assurance and commitment. Just as trust is the foundation of your relationship with God, you must also have trust for the person that you are committed to in your earthly life. When trust has been violated in a marriage, you begin to question the basis of your partner’s commitment and their promises to you on every level. Without a dramatic change in this trend the entire relationship is in jeopardy.
There are many behaviors that can destroy trust in a marriage relationship. A breach of trust can result from being caught in a lie or a series of deceptive actions, by breaking commitments, flirting with another person, or from engaging in an adulterous relationship. If any of these offenses have occurred in your marriage the confidence between you and your spouse will be shattered. When the Jews went after other gods, our heavenly Father described a similar sense of heartache and betrayal. God said, “I was crushed by their adulterous heart which has departed from Me, and by their eyes which play the harlot after their idols” (Ezekiel 6:9). Clearly, God knows the pain you feel when violations of trust break your heart. He understands the sense of betrayal and your reservations about the future of your relationship.
If your marriage is to survive, trust must be restored, and a new relationship must be established. But you may be wondering, Is this realistically possible?
Is it possible to restore trust once it has been violated?
The answer to this question is yes! Scripture reveals many such examples of restoration of relationship and trust after serious offenses have occurred. Consider the enormity of the cold and heartless act of Peter’s denial of Jesus. Peter had been granted intimate access to Jesus as his disciple and friend. He had made public confessions of undying faithfulness to Jesus. Yet, when given the opportunity to save himself, Peter denied Christ not once, but three times. Despite Peter’s betrayal, Jesus personally sought to find Peter after the resurrection in order that He might reconcile with him. What a display of the mercy and grace of God toward this broken and condemned man! After Jesus reconciled with Peter, he went on to restore him to full usefulness in the work of the ministry. Obviously, reconciliation and the restoration of trust within a relationship are quite possible.
I would encourage you to consider the many examples you will find throughout Scripture on this subject. Other examples that will be very enlightening are: (1) God’s restoring of His adulterous people, Israel (Jer. 30:17; Joel 2:25). (2) The restoration of the relationship between Paul and John Mark after the later had a serious failure of commitment (Acts 15:36-41; 2 Tim 4:11). (3) The tearful reconciliation between Jacob and Esau after years of separation caused by Jacob’s deception (Gen. 27:41; Gen. 33:4). (4) The heartfelt reconciliation between the prodigal son and his father (Luke 15:11-32).
Trust is a fundamental key to a lasting relationship!
However, do not assume that just because people in history have been able to restore their relationship that it will be easy to do. Solomon declared that “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle” (Prov. 18:19). Therefore, be assured that there will be hard work ahead for both parties in this relationship. The bars that separate you and your spouse must be removed if fellowship and trusting companionship are to be restored.
How can you begin to reestablish trust?
If you want God’s wisdom and help in reconciling your marriage, then truth is where you must begin. Remember, the only thing that the Holy Spirit can bless is truth, because He is called the “Spirit of Truth” (John 14:17). Only when a person becomes completely honest about the facts of an offense will the confession be treated as sincere. Solomon declares, “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips” (Prov. 24:26 NIV). However, continued deceit is like slapping your spouse in the face. It hurts deeply.
If you tell half-truths or doctor information to make yourself appear innocent, and your spouse finds out later that you’ve lied, it will be as if you had done the same sin all over again. Therefore, you must be truthful to God and your mate. This does not mean that you must reveal all the details of your sin, especially if you have committed adultery. Remember, the specific details of the sinful action should not be mentioned. When Paul refers to such sinful acts he explicitly declares, “It is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret” (Eph. 5:12). Remember, all we know about King David’s adultery is that it occurred.
If you refuse to humble yourself, you will not experience God’s personal grace in your life, your only hope of change. Peter said, “Be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5).
Ask God to give you a humble heart. Come to your mate acknowledging only your own faults. If your spouse also needs to confess, God can reveal this to him or her. You must first make your own humble confession and let God take care of the rest.
First, I would encourage both husband and wife to personally examine yourself and your own walk with Christ to determine why your relationship has been deficient. Whenever His disciples had a failure Jesus always insisted on asking why. He asked the disciples “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts” (Luke 24:38)? Jesus also challenged His followers to determine why they weren’t obeying Him. “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do the things which I say” (Luke 6:46)? Therefore, you must endeavor to understand why you have doubted or disobeyed God and caused this breach of trust. As you determine why you have failed, you will discover exactly how to reverse direction and restore your relationship with Christ.
Second, you must also examine your marital relationship and determine exactly where changes need to be made. For example, if adultery has occurred in your relationship, you should determine the cause. Solomon in his wisdom asked his own son this simple question. “For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress” (Prov. 5:20)? If you read the entire context of this passage, Solomon instructs that the best safeguard against being enraptured with an immoral woman was to have an intimate and enrapturing relationship with your own wife. Ask yourself, are you experiencing true intimacy with your mate? Are you developing intimate friendship spiritually, emotionally, communicatively, and physically with your spouse? If you aren’t experiencing this depth of relationship, you must determine why? As you develop true intimacy between you it will greatly help you to restore trust in your relationship.
If the violation of trust was a lie or a series of lies, you must determine why this occurred. Were these lies the result of personal weakness in the life of the one who lied or were there other issues that contributed to this behavior? For example, was there a lack of communication in the relationship or a lack of freedom to express differing opinions? Were these lies aggravated by possessiveness or excessive control, or verbal harshness or mocking within the relationship? These issues and any other contributing factors must be fully addressed before there can be a solution to the overall relationship problems.
Consider these practical demonstrations of love: (a) Verbalize and demonstrate sincere forgiveness for all past and present infractions. God demonstrated His love toward you by His forgiveness. Jesus declared His heart and desire when He prayed from the cross, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). (b) Verbally confirm your love for each other regularly. Paul taught the Corinthian church that this was their responsibility toward the one who had violated their trust. He commanded: “This punishment which was inflicted … is sufficient … you ought rather to forgive and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow. Therefore, I urge you to reaffirm your love to him” (2 Cor. 2:6-8). (c) Sacrificially give in those areas where you’ve struggled and been at odds with each other. Sacrificing for your spouse demonstrates that you truly want a different relationship with your mate. God demonstrated His love “toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Therefore, forgive, confirm your love, and begin to sacrificially serve one another again.
In addition, as time passes you will have the opportunity to observe your mate. You will see if he or she is merely making hopeful professions or if the changes are real. Again, true repentance is always demonstrated by action that will either confirm your faith or reveal that it’s misplaced. Scripture explains that it was “in the process of time” that the fruit of Cain’s heart was revealed by his actions (Gen. 4:3). You always know the tree by the fruit that is produced in the process of time (Matt. 7:20). Don’t forget this valuable truth!
The best way to keep your attitude correct is to regularly examine yourself and remove from your heart this plank of self-righteousness (Matt. 7:5).
A Word of Caution
If after the violation of trust has been exposed and you still don’t see the above attitudes and actions occurring (except of course, self-righteousness), you know that something is radically wrong. If your mate is justifying his or her actions, blaming you for the failure, or continuing to pursue similar immoral behavior, this means several things. (1) It reveals that your spouse has no real sense of conviction or sorrow for the sin that has been committed (2 Cor. 7:9-10). (2) It means that your spouse does not sincerely desire reconciliation and a changed relationship with God or you. God doesn’t forgive people’s excuses or blame shifting. He only responds to honest, humble, and sincere confession that results in complete repentance. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Prov. 28:13). God Himself refuses to dispense mercy when a person excuses and covers his sin. Therefore, you should not consider yourself unspiritual or unloving if you take a similar action. Yes, you must forgive your spouse from the heart, but reconciling the relationship will be impossible until there is an honest and humble request for forgiveness (Matt 18:35; Luke 17:1-3).
(3) When a person is unrepentant and chooses to justify his or her sin, it is only a matter of time before another breach of trust will occur. God has not called you to be a doormat for another person to use and abuse. Therefore, make your decisions based on the total fruit of the attitude, words, and actions of your mate. If these indicators are contrary to Scripture and common sense, you should not trust any profession made. But you may be thinking that the Bible teaches that we should “believe all things” (1 Cor. 13:7). This passage must be taken in the context of the Bible’s teaching. Of course, you should believe all things, unless you have clear and obvious evidence to the contrary. For example: If you have evidence that your spouse is still involved in the same behavior that caused the violation of your trust, it would be foolish to believe this person’s professions of faithfulness. Someone once said, “Love believes all things, but love is not stupid.” Even Jesus will refuse to believe mere professions on the last day. He will base His judgment solely on how people live. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matt. 7:21-23). Be assured, Jesus is surely not a fool. Note that Christ makes these statements right after He warned His disciples about examining the fruit of false prophets. In addition, Paul made it clear that those who ask for our trust must “be found trustworthy” (1 Cor. 4:2 – NAS).
If you are unsure about the sincerity of your spouse or observe confusing and contradictory behavior, ask your pastor or an elder of your church to call and talk with your mate and get a second opinion. If you are already in counseling with your pastor, he most likely already knows the answer to this question. Finally, ask God for His divine wisdom (James 1:5). He knows the heart of every man. “There is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Heb. 4:13). May God guide you as you seek to re-establish trust in your relationship!
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