Christ-Centered Marriage

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Marriage?


Marriage is a sacred covenant instituted by God to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church. A Christ-centered marriage puts God at the center and allows Him to guide the relationship. When a couple makes Christ the foundation of their marriage, it provides the solid ground needed to withstand life's storms and grow together [...]

Do You Have a Christ-Centered Marriage?2024-06-15T15:18:53+00:00

How to Have a Christ-Centered Marriage (Part 2)


Introduction: Prior to salvation, we were spiritually dead to God and alive to sin. As a result of being “in the flesh,” we carried out the deeds of the flesh. At the point of salvation, however, we were regenerated (“born again”) and our spirit was made alive. We were enabled to live a life of [...]

How to Have a Christ-Centered Marriage (Part 2)2021-11-24T19:30:03+00:00

How to Have a Christ-Centered Marriage (Part 1)


Introduction: Did you know that God is not in the marriage “remodeling” business? His desire is to transform your marital relationship, not reform it. The world is focused on helping couples improve their marriage as evidenced by the enormous variety of self-help books. Without transformation from the inside out, a Christian couple will never experience [...]

How to Have a Christ-Centered Marriage (Part 1)2021-11-24T19:31:18+00:00
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