
Emotional Distance in Marriage


It’s a complaint I hear regularly from people looking for help for their marriages: “I feel distant from my spouse.” “I try to get my husband to open up, but instead he just shuts down.” “My wife just doesn’t seem interested in me anymore. I feel like we’re a million miles apart.” “I don’t know [...]

Emotional Distance in Marriage2021-11-24T20:52:58+00:00

Prayer: The Secret to a Lasting Marriage


"The family that prays together stays together." The old adage is more accurate than we realized. Multiple US surveys reveal that although the divorce rate for Christians is about the same as those outside the church, Christian couples that pray together have a divorce rate of less than one percent! In fact, it is the [...]

Prayer: The Secret to a Lasting Marriage2021-11-24T20:56:20+00:00

The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong


The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong “Don’t be stubborn like a horse or mule. They need a bit and bridle in their mouth to restrain them, or they will not come near you.” Ps. 32:9  You’re in the middle of another argument with your partner. They’re driving you crazy. Can’t they see [...]

The Strong-Willed Spouse: When Being Right Can Make Everything Wrong2021-11-25T21:01:32+00:00

Are You a Giver or Taker?


Are You a Giver or a Taker?   The Common Marital Complaint Married women have a common complaint against their husbands: They feel used and taken advantage of. Research confirms that in the areas of emotional intimacy, affection, companionship, attentiveness, division of household work, and childcare, women typically do the heavy lifting. They sense they [...]

Are You a Giver or Taker?2021-11-25T21:05:03+00:00

Are You a Giver or Taker?


Are You a Giver or Taker? The Common Marital Complaint Married women have a common complaint against their husbands: They feel used and taken advantage of. Research confirms that in the areas of emotional intimacy, affection, companionship, attentiveness, division of household work, and childcare, women typically do the heavy lifting. They sense they are putting [...]

Are You a Giver or Taker?2018-12-28T15:16:52+00:00

The Top Ten Strengths of Happy Marriages


The Top Ten Strengths of Happy Marriages Marriage can be one of the most satisfying and fulfilling of all human relationships; a source of deep joy, strength, and a haven of quiet rest and comfort from the world. Ironically, marital relationships also possess the capacity to be very disappointing, frustrating, and painfully conflicted; a source [...]

The Top Ten Strengths of Happy Marriages2021-11-25T21:06:13+00:00

The Marital Happiness Inventory (MHI)


MARITAL HAPPINESS INVENTORY (MHI) By Bill Clark, D.Min., Ph.D.   This inventory consists of numbered statements to which you will respond True or False. Answer EACH ITEM as honestly as you can. (Note: On statements pertaining to children or family, mark N/A if you do not have children. Your overall profile score will scaled to compensate for these omissions.) [...]

The Marital Happiness Inventory (MHI)2018-12-25T19:10:10+00:00

Felt Like Giving Up Lately?


FELT LIKE GIVING UP LATELY? “I just can’t go on anymore. I can’t make it, even though I try so hard. It’s hopeless. Why try?” Churches are full of hurting people who can’t seem to find relief from their problems. There are loving parents who have been deeply wounded by the deception and delinquency of [...]

Felt Like Giving Up Lately?2021-11-25T21:16:48+00:00

The Gift of Honor


The Gift of Honor In working with couples over the last 35 years, I have discovered that there is one essential quality a husband and wife must possess in order to have a great relationship. What is it? The ability to give the gift of honor to one another. Feeling worthwhile as an individual is [...]

The Gift of Honor2021-11-25T21:14:57+00:00
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